Arbitration Webcasts through ABA

We recently completed two nationwide webcasts sponsored by the American Bar Association’s IP Section and other sections. The webcasts were presented by two other ABA book authors, Harrie Samaras and David Newman, and me.   Here is link to the ABA site to get the programs and a deal on the books:

Here is the announcement from ABA:

ABA-IPL Books Webinar Series Part ll Live and Part l On-Demand


Leveraging the Benefits of Arbitration for an Evidentiary Hearing in a Commercial Case (Part II)

Setting the Stage for a Successful Commercial Arbitration (Part I recorded on March 14, 2018, included as on-demand CLE Course)

Your opportunity to hear distinguished authors Harrie Samaras, David Newman and David Allgeyer bring alive selected topics from their new books:
• Key strategies and practice tips for arbitrating commercial disputes, including patent and technology disputes
• Information and insights that will help attorneys draft better arbitration clauses
Register for the Part II Live Webinar – April 14 and the Part I On-Demand of the Books Webinar Series and receive special discount pricing for one webinar or both.

SPECIAL BOOKS OFFER!: Members receive an Extra 30% Discount on your already-reduced price for each of the three ADR books related to these programs.
Arbitrating Patent Disputes: A Practical Guide
ADR Advocacy, Strategies, and Practices for Intellectual Property and Technology Cases, Second Edition
Patent Neutral: Expanding Use of ADR for Settlement of Patent Disputes at the PTAB.

Offer Ends 4/30/2018


Subpoenaing Discovery Documents in Arbitration? Plan Ahead.


Courts to Lawyers: We Mean It. Stop Making Baseless Attacks on Commercial Arbitration Awards.