Two-Part Online Course: Mediation in the Patent/Technology Case


On August 4 and August 6, 2020, the Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center (SVAMC) and Stanford Law School is proud to offer a two-part online course – Mediation in the Patent/Technology Case.

  • Day 1 will focus on the nuts and bolts of preparing for a mediation.

  • Day 2 will address the mediation session and advocacy.

A fact pattern involving a Patent/Tech dispute will be used as a backdrop. The course will be taught by experts in IP and technology mediations – SVAMC Tech List Members: David Allgeyer, Harrie Samaras, and Rod Thompson, and Janet Martinez, Director, Gould Negotiation and Mediation Program, Stanford Law School.

Registration for the course is free but limited to the first 90 registrants. Please register by July 31, 2020.

For more information and registration, please go to:

Two-Part Online Course: Mediation in the Patent/Technology Case


Two session course on tech/patent mediation now online


Online Mediation –virtually like being there