Webcast series from Minnesota CLE, August 16 and 17

Minnesota CLE will be presenting two webcasts I am honored to be part of.

Here is how MN CLE describes them:

Arbitration Advocacy Webcast Package

In this package, learn top tips for arbitration advocacy in the commercial setting from two experienced arbitrators and ABA authors, David Allgeyer and Harrie Samaras. David and Harrie will focus on helping advocates to understand how the differences between arbitration and litigation can be leveraged to your benefit. In the first program, learn about effective ways to set the stage for an efficient and successful process. Then, learn about managing the hearing effectively.

Arbitration Advocacy: Setting the Stage for a Successful Hearing
Thursday, August 16, 2018
2:00 – 3:30 p.m. (CENTRAL TIME) and

Arbitration Advocacy: Leveraging the Benefits of Arbitration for the Evidentiary Hearing
Friday, August 17, 2018
9:00 – 10:30 a.m. (CENTRAL TIME)

Arbitration Advocacy: Leveraging the Benefits of Arbitration for the Evidentiary Hearing

For more info, please go to: https://www.minncle.org/SeminarDetail.aspx?ID=1624021901


Embracing International Arbitration: California Acts. Other States Should, Too.


Subpoenaing Discovery Documents in Arbitration? Plan Ahead.