ABA Webinars focusing on arbitration

The ABA-IPL Section has just made the following announcement. ABA members, please join us for these webinars, March 14 noon Central and April 12 noon Central time:

Join our IP authors and speakers, David Allgeyer, David Newman, and Harrie Samaras for an ABA-IPL Books Webinar two-part series, presenting the latest insight into disputing contracts involving intellectual property and the business relationships required in the U.S. and worldwide. Section Members and Co-Sponsor Section Members receive a discounted package price of $90.00 for both webinars; individually each webinar is $55.00 per program; as a package members save $20.00. Discounts apply at checkout.

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ABA-IPL Books Two-Part Webinar Series: Setting the Stage for a Successful Commercial Arbitration (Part I)
ABA-IPL Books Two-Part Webinar Series: Leveraging the Benefits of Arbitration for an Evidentiary Hearing in a Commercial Case (Part II)
Item Details:

The first webinar in the series, “Setting the State for a Successful Commercial Arbitration” (March 14, 2018), will provide practical guidance on representing parties in the key early stages of a commercial arbitration. Discussion topics will include the arbitration agreement, governing rules, confidentiality, commencing the arbitration, the preliminary hearing, and information exchange. Learn how the differences between arbitration and litigation can work for your clients to set the course for a less expensive, faster, and fair resolution of disputes.

The second webinar, “Leveraging the Benefits of Arbitration for an Evidentiary Hearing in a Commercial Case” (April 12, 2018), will provide practical guidance on representing parties at the evidentiary hearing of a commercial arbitration. Discussion topics will include efficient information gathering for use at the hearing, use of experts, openings/themes, case presentation, post hearing considerations, and award options. Learn how to: (1) build flexibility into the arbitration process; and (2) make the differences between arbitration and litigation work for them and their clients for an effective and efficient evidentiary hearing and for obtaining the award.
Programs can be taken either individually or as part of the two-part series; there is a discount for registrants taking both.
Special Books Offer: 30% Discount on these Titles
For a limited time, registrants of this program will receive a 30% discount code off the following books:

-Arbitrating Patent Disputes: A Practical Guide
–ADR Advocacy, Strategies, and Practices for Intellectual Property and Technology Cases, Second Edition
Patent Neutral: Expanding Use of ADR for Settlement of Patent Disputes at the PTAB
To register, please go to:





Arbitration Webinar Available from ABA


Judges, Arbitrators, and the Internet