ADR Articles
Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center (SVAMC) Celebrates 10 Years of Innovation in ADR for the Technology Sector
Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center celebrates 10 years
Wait! What Law? What Rules?
Determining what arbitration act and law applies in the arbitration can be a problem if you don’t address the issue in your arbitration clause.
SVAMC Issues Guidelines on Use of AI in Arbitration
SVAMC finalizes its Guidelines for Use of AI in Arbitration
Breaking News: SVAMC 2024 Tech List Just Announced
Press release: SVAMC announces 2024 Tech List of Neutrals
Award Reversed: Credibility Finding Was Evidence of Bias/Misconduct
A credibility finding by an arbitrator leads to a finding of bias and vacating the award.
Article: Coaching by message is not okay in arbitration
Coaching by messenger in arbitration leads to big trouble.
Arbitration is in Supreme Court news again with another case favoring arbitration. Wait for appeal of order denying arbitration
Supreme court: wait for appeal of decision denying arbitration before going ahead
Let’s Talk About Arbitration Clauses – Again
Arbitration is often good. Bad arbitration clauses never are good.
Save-the-Date: Stanford Law School Advanced IP/Tech Mediation and Arbitration Course - June 8-9, 2023
Save-the-Date: Stanford Law School Advanced IP/Tech Mediation and Arbitration Course - June 8-9, 2023
The Case of the Taciturn Arbitration Panel: Not Officially Defunct
Dealing with lack of arbitrators’ lack of explanation and the doctrine of functus officio
Viking River Cruises: The Supreme Court scuttles use of California’s PAGA to navigate around arbitration
Supremes scuttle use of Cal’s PAGA to navigate around restrictions on representative actions
Supremes: There Can Still be an Arbitration Foul Without Harm
Prejudice to an opponent is not needed to find a waiver of arbitration rights.
Is Arbitration on the Ropes? Not Yet.
Congress has cut back on arbitration in employment cases and may cut it back further. But it hasn’t yet.
Update: Amendment to the Federal Arbitration Act: No Mandatory Arbitration of Sexual Assault or Harassment Disputes Signed into Law
The Act is signed by the President.
Amendment to the Federal Arbitration Act: No Mandatory Arbitration of Sexual Assault or Harassment Disputes
Congress amends the Federal Arbitration Act to allow plaintiffs to avoid mandatory arbitration of sexual assault and harassment claims
The POSA: who is and isn’t a POSA
A “Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art” is mentioned so often in patent cases that he or she has an acronym: a POSA. This is because, in patent law, many of the most important issues are typically viewed from the perspective of a POSA, including claim construction, validity, and infringement. But just how is a POSA?
Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center 2022 Tech List
The Silicon Valley Arbitration & Mediation Center (SVAMC), has released its highly anticipated 2022 List of the World’s Leading Technology Neutrals (the “Tech List“). California-based non-profit, SVAMC, promotes efficient and effective technology dispute resolution, including the use of arbitration and mediation to resolve business disputes.