Webinar: Making Arbitration Work: Avoiding Pitfalls and Pratfalls


I am pleased to announce a new webinar I am honored to part of, along with AAA VP A. Kelly Turner and Arbitrator Felicia Boyd:

Wednesday, September 26, 2018
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (CENTRAL TIME)

Making Arbitration Work: Avoiding Pitfalls and Pratfalls
Litigation is often just too expensive to be a practical way to resolve problems. Arbitration, done right, can provide a way to get your clients’ disputes decided faster, cheaper, and often better than going to court. But, if done wrong, arbitration can still be too expensive and too complicated. Join AAA Vice President Kelly Turner and two arbitrators – Felicia Boyd and David Allgeyer – who have seen the good, the bad and the ugly in arbitration. Learn how to get arbitration right by avoiding the pitfalls and pratfalls so you can get your clients’ disputes decided efficiently and get them back to their business. Topics include: drafting dispute resolution clauses, counsel conduct and much more!

– Felicia J. Boyd; Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
– David A. Allgeyer; Allgeyer Law & ADR, LLC
– Kelly Turner; Vice President, American Arbitration Association

You can register online through MN CLE’s website. I hope you can join us!


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