ABA Landslide Article: A Dozen Tips for Technology-Related Mediations and Arbitrations


The article Harrie Samaras and I wrote for ABA’s Landslide Magazine is now available on line.  It is based in part on my ABA IP book, Arbitrating Patent Cases, A Practical Guide,  and Harrie’s book ADR Advocacy, Strategies, and Practices for Intellectual Property and Technology Cases, Second Edition.  Both are available at shopaba.org and on Amazon.  (Prices are better on shopaba.org.)

In the article, we  provide what we think are a dozen of the most important tips for mediating and arbitrating technology-related cases.

Here is the link. Either click on it or paste it in your browser:


I hope you enjoy the article!


Ninth Circuit to Arbitrator: You can’t do that, even here in arbitration nation.


Another Day, Another Arbitration Clause Problem